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For most sheep clients, lambing is the busiest time of the year so prior preparation is key!

For most sheep clients, lambing is the busiest time of the year and prior preparation can lead to improvements in your lambing percentage and lamb growth rates, amongst other things. It can also bring about reductions in ewe morbidity and mortality.

Lambing Kit?

Having all the necessary equipment to hand is key. Each year we produce a lambing kit list & will offer varying types of lambing kits so that there is a pack that suits all sorts of setups from smallholders to pedigree flocks to commercial units. We are also more than happy to discuss targets and benchmarking bespoke to your flock, pre-lambing or separately as part of a flock health & management review. Get in touch with our team to discuss your lambing equipment needs at any time of year.

Pre-lambing blood testing

With ~70% of lamb growth occurring in the last 6 weeks of pregnancy, nutrition is crucially important. Protein levels have a big influence on the quantity and quality of colostrum produced, and therefore lamb vigour and growth.
Blood sampling can be done 3 – 4 weeks pre lambing to look at protein levels, as well as magnesium & beta-hydroxybutyrate (B-OHB) to help inform nutrition strategies and analyse the risks of twin lamb disease or other metabolic problems.
Although we can’t guarantee it’ll be the case every year; these pre-lambing blood profiles are often subsidised!

Lambing Workshops

For several years now we have offered practical, hands on, lambing workshops as a refresher of the basics, as well as providing info on the latest recommendations and treatment advice. Led by one of our team they will cover housing, malpresentations, care of the neonate, common ailments of ewes around lambing and much more.
Suitable for first time lambers, new staff and even those seasoned hands who just want a bit of a refresher & the latest advice! Keep an eye on our newsletter, social media pages and website to be informed of the dates of future workshops; they fill up fast!

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