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Keeping Pigs

Pigs are farm animals and so are subject to the same disease controls and regulations

As specialised farm vets we are able to offer advice on all aspects of pig keeping from nutrition and worming protocols to infectious disease control.

Worming Pigs

Worming regimes will vary depending on the number of animals being kept and the cleanliness of the pasture.


At Scarsdale Vets we advise quarterly worm egg counts for your pigs, which can be done in our lab to provide a fast turnaround time.


We can then design a worming regime based on the results.

Pig Vaccination

There are various vaccines on the market for all sorts of pig diseases. The one we most commonly vaccinate for is Erysipelis. This is a bacteria that lives in the soil so does not require contact with other pigs to be contracted. There are multiple vaccine regimes available, we are always happy to discuss these with you to determine the best regime for your animals.

Routine Surgery For Pigs

Castration is commonly carried out at 7-10 days. Doing it at this early stage greatly reduces the risks involved and makes it a much simpler procedure. Although we can castrate older animals we prefer to do this at the hospital where we have monitoring equipment and special facilities available.

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